15 December 2008

Our Scottish Connections - Bill and Rob - 24 October 2008

These two walked all over Dundee, and made more friends in the few days they were here than ayone else. Bill Stirling - Postie to his friends- from the Scottish town of Forfar - presented me with a collection of pipe music not heard at History's Walk since the times of Simon Strachan and his swirling pipes woke us up in the mornings.

(on the right you can see the twa gents, Bill on the left, and Rob on the right, doing the Windhoek lager thing at the local shellhole of the Moths in Dundee)

Bill presented a Forfar calendar and newspaper to the Wades of Forfar farm , which was named after Bill's town. The two guys made a lot of friends in Dundee, and presented the local Moths with a photograph and inscription of the WW2 memorial and a poem written by a 14 year-old school girl.

(Bill and the youngest generation of Wades on Forfar Farm)